Nuke Info Tokyo No. 102 (Sep./Oct. 2004)

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Map of places mentioned in NIT 102

Five Killed in Mihama-3 Accident
…on August 9th, the 59th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki, there was a serious accident at the Mihama-3 reactor, located in Fukui Prefecture. Serious? Yes, in the commonly understood sense of the word… (Continued…)

Japan’s Separated Plutonium Inventory
Since 9.11, national emergency legislation has been proceeding apace and, as part of Japan’s terror response policy, restrictions have been placed on visits to nuclear facilities by the general public. On the principle that seeing is believing, industry had actively promoted public tours, but now they can no longer do this. Probably the delay in the publication of plutonium data is related to this. (Click here to read more…)JCO Criticality Accident: Five Years On
[The] safety screening process was rushed and a thorough investigation was never done. From the point of view of safety, approval would never have been given. The key issue then was this Monju-Joyo-JCO hierarchy. (Click here to read more…)

Group Introduction: Nagano Soft Energy Resource Center
…in 1998 we produced a ‘Nagano Soft Energy Map’. At the time it provided ground-breaking information. We regard it as one of our major achievements. (Click hereto read article…)

News Watch
Surprisingly Low Peak Demand
High Burn-Up Fuel for Ikata Nuclear Power Plant
2.7 Billion Yen Apology Money to Suzu City

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